Change the sheets, get a vacuum, whatever no need to ruin an evening of fun because a hottie got hungry. Adultery is for adults. Adults get hungry, dammit.
(but not as awful as the situation you're stuck in, buddy boy)
Flapping her arms non-stop while screaming 'Awaken it'? VERY FUNNY.
You get to capture the very moment you break every bone in your body. Like this schmuck.
Someone has a shelf-shaped ass...who could it be??? (Drunken Stepfather)
It's the kind of butt that may have been violated by Ray J on video... too much? Gave it away again? Shit!
Paris Hilton Can Fit LOTS of Drugs Where The Sun Don't Shine (New York Pudding)
Carmen Kees is the Bees Knees! (Freakshow Planet)
Music video directors who made the jump to the big screen (Bullz-Eye)
Domino's boobs are popping out of her leather jacket (z0d)
The 20 Worst T-Shirts (HEAVY)
Dylan Ryder wants you to ride her... get it? Ride her? Hehe (Dailyniner)
How To Explain To Your Kid You're Going To A Strip Club (The Noob Dad)
(Sorry that you now take orders from a kid younger than you. Bwahaha-haha)
You get a shirtless, bloated, singer like Paul Shortino to fill in... and THAT is Rock and Roll.
If you're Dave Mustaine from MEGADETH... VERY, apparently.
From Rock to Racks...per usual....
If you're Jamine Black and Rye.... nothing. They just made out for a while.
but not for long, madam... she's out of that swimsuit and skinny dipping in no time. That's one of the perks of living in Arizona with a fenced-in pool.
Click on Camerella's strategically-placed hand, watch the full-length video, then spend all night long chit-chatting with Camerella online on her cam LIVE!
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FRIEND FEED also has a spot for FoundryMusic... because we're in desperate need of friends.
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