Remember, kids... you follow us and we'll follow you!
You follow US on twitter and we follow YOU on twitter. Simple enough, right?
Apparently she's none too worried about who sees photos like this because she's posting them in online personal ads.
(Just like the way you pretend your hair isn't falling out in clumps on an hourly basis)
It wasn't all that GOOD either.
Anything to sell some books, right, Sammy?
(Unlike your hairline, which would look better if you combed your eyebrows up over your head)
When oh when will this game be available?!?!
Oh. Mid-June. That's not so bad. Heh. We worry too much.
The editors must add in the new footage as they get it and then release new trailers.. either that, or their lazy as shit.
Mutants. Make a man mean...usually. Or they make him chubby, depending on how much time he spends on the couch watching these.
For once, it would be nice to be a famous drunk... or just famous.
Nikki Kane and Renee Perez lose their lingerie and don't bother looking for it (FreakShow Planet)
Cisco Kills the Flip Video: What it means to the Consumer Market (Bullz-Eye)
Tito Ortiz on Life with Jenna Jameson (MadeMan)
Amy Reid is wearing her tube top a little, umm...low (z0d)
Cody Love is the dirtiest, most greatest maid of all time (Daily Niner)
(Sorry you're going to muddle through life with the same mediocrity you attack every other task with)
Some of those guys look like they could lay off the cheeseburgers... yeah, like who are we kidding? Look who's talking.
All the ALICE COOPER you could ever want to get yer stinkin' mitts on, Chester.
Want to still look cool with tight leather pants and bleached hair? Move to Sweden. Join a band:
Otherwise you just look silly. Speaking of Silly, these guys are called THE POODLES
Performocracy? Yup. Definitely Swedish...Mmmm...swedish fish.
The guys in JOURNEY have a Filipino singer (yeah, we know. Enough already) and a new tour:
They're going to be touring with STYX and FOREIGNER... sponsored by Geritol and Icy Hot.
Ooh, that cool beetle thing-a-ma-jig is back Someone in that band digs beetles, or is running out of ideas.
How much for ze little girlz, eh?
Facelifts are let's face it, necessary...and FOUNDRY CAMS was no exception to that rule, so we did this:
We totally revamped FOUNDRY CAMS, with a new domain, hotter girls, lower prices, and a better user experience. So far, the response has beeen HUGE. Check it out:
and if you feel like following us on Twitter (we'll keep you up to date on what all the girlies are doing)
Click it, fool!
Lita Lenee, one of our newer young ladies in the FOUNDRY CAMS flock, sent in an amazing videos with a slightly (OK, VERY) revised old-school FoundryMusic T-shirt. Nikki Sixx and our friends at SIXX A.M. sent in "Lies of the Beautiful People" from their new album "This Is Gonna Hurt
Thanks to Jon for the editing as usual.
When you're all done, if you have any fluids left in that body of yours, head on over to FOUNDRY CAMS and chat with the lovely Lita Lenee LIVE on cam!
Thanks again to SIXX A.M. for sending in "Lies of the Beautiful People" from their upcoming album "This Is Gonna Hurt
...and that, friends... is the way to make gazpacho with dead hookers.
We're on FourSquare...talking about all the cool shit we do... or wish we did
FOUNDRYNEWS is online, so we can do the blogging thing
Follow us on Twitter, or we'll send wolves to your house to gnaw at your privates
be our friend on Facebook, or we'll send AIDS-infested gerbils through your vents to bite you while you sleep
We've been on MYSPACE since the dawn of time. It was cavemen...and us...and Dane Cook.
We're also on POSTEROUS, so read that shit.
We also have a spot on this thing called NING, and that rhymes. Go us.
FRIEND FEED also has a spot for FoundryMusic... because we're in desperate need of friends.