Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wednesday Links: Ab Crunch Disaster, Tiger's latest MILF, Lindsay fell down, Molly Ringwald WTF, Axl Rose vs 45K pissed off fans, RATT's new video


(But your breath is. How's about we wash your mouth out with Bleach?)

  • Honestly, if you're wrecking the garage every time you try to do crunches...

    Maybe it's time to join a gym, fella.


    Oh no! Lindsay Fall Down, Go Boom! (WWTDD)

    oh please Lindsay make another movie where your shirt is off.

    Hey, Michael Moore lost some weight! Wait, it's Molly Ringwald. (Drunken Stepfather)

    The Most Retarded Black Eyed Peas Lyrics (FunnyCrave)

    Meet The Cast of 'Hot Tub Time Machine' (Bullz-Eye)

    Carmen Silva Slips into something more 'nothing' (Dailyniner)

    Evan and Gareth: Tech Support (atom)

    'Man Makeunder' Survival Challenge (Asylum)

    Jennifer Kennedy is thinking about a career in politics. Wait, wrong Kennedy. (z0d)

    Top Ten Fictional Pirates (Gunaxin)

    RPG Heroes are Jerks (CollgeHumor)

    30 Horrifying Female Bodybuilders (Manofest)

    I'M SORRY:

    (Sorry that your personality is more likely to get you shot than promoted)

  • Axl Rose? Walked on stage 2 hours late to thousands of pissed off GUNS N' ROSES fans?

    Yer kidding? He did THAT? Noooo. We don't believe ya.

  • Thank GOD! It's 1987 all over again, and the guys in RATT couldn't be happier!

    or at least their new video for "Best of Me" would suggest it is. Regardles, get yer spandex.

  • From hair bands to hairless poosay...

  • Another classy young lady has crawled out of the woodwork, claiming to have had sex with Tiger Woods...and by 'classy young lady' we mean 'dirty slutty skank':

    Her name is Devon James and she does MILF videos with guys that look like Zach Galifianakis.

  • in keeping with the high-brow...

  • Sexy Czech bombshell Veronica Zemanova has lost her lingerie:

    and by "lost", we mean "intentionally took off". Why WOULDN'T she?

  • Francine Dee is a tiny little 3/4 Filipina and 1/4 Chinese gal with enormous boobs:

    We think they're natural. No we don't.

  • To celebrate the opening of Gisele's new solo site, GOT GISELE take a look-see at the new FOUNDRY CAMS video she made for us:

    Click on Gisele right now, and watch the full jaw-dropping awesome video!

  • Visit some of our other hot properties, won't you?

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