Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wednesday Links: Workplace affairs and the Dancing Bear, Dance Floor Beat Down, Lots of Link Love, Alice In Chains and EUROPE are LIVE in concert, Love Gisele and Bea Flora are topless

  • It's HUMP DAY, boys and girls! So grab that cute co-worker, find a quiet corner and get cozy. Everyone's repressed, so it's OK.

    Don't feel guilty, either... having an affair with co-workers is a national pasttime, like baseball.

  • And you bet your ass that if YOU don't make a move the Dancing Bear is going to.

    ...and trust us, HE is a lot less subtle that you are.

  • Your dance moves are old and crusty, so watch your back:

    Stop doing the robot, or you're going to get a this poor Aussie.

    (But your smartass mouth is getting annoying and old, so do us all a favor and be quiet for a change)

    A New Way For College Kids To Make Money (no fellatio required)

    Heather Locklear is 48...aaaaand looks it, too (Drunken Stepfather)

    Dylan James is just too Damn sexy...and Naked...and sexy (Daily Niner)

    HALO 3 Game Review (Bullz-Eye)

    Juilette Bardot Bares Her Bottom (z0d)

    Big Mouth Billy Bass 2k9 (Yep Yep)

    Lana Lopez and Kristina Rose Make Sexy on The Court (Freakshow Planet)

    The Technological Evolution of Sex (FunnyCrave)

    Throwing a Futon Out the Window (gone wrong) (College Humor)

    The 25 Funniest Sportscenter Commercials (Bleacher Report)

    Jesus, Japan. Stop That (Bizarre Sesame Street) (Warming Glow)

    20 stupid things to do on the office dry erase board (The Minimum Rage)

  • I'M SORRY:
    (Sorry that the only ass you get to look at is your own. In the mirror. When you're popping butt zits)

  • Ever fantasize about having sex with enormously-large-breasted Bea Flora?

    This video should satisfy that... Fully Hardcore clip after the jump.

  • The guys in ALICE IN CHAINS performed 'Check my Brain' on Kimmel last night:

    The band's new disc, Black Gives Way To Blue is out now!

  • Those Swedish Superstars EUROPE played "The Final Countdown" on Sweden's TV4:

    Stockholm loves their hometown boys, that's for sure.

  • Our beautiful, busty blond buddy Gisele, who you have seen in a ton of FOUNDRY CAMS clips, has to get rid of her oppressive lace top:

    Seriously... We all LOVE GISELE, especially when she's touching herself.

  • Our buxom brunette beauty Sweet Victoria from FOUNDRY CAMS covers herself in the tightest outfit possible, and rocks out with LYNCH MOB:


  • (and now to recap... for the people with the retention ability of gnats. That means us, too.)

  • Before you head off to the motel to bang your married co-worker, take five minutes and see we added to the MEDIA SECTION:

    Briana Lee Shakes Her Naked Ass In The Kitchen
    Caught on Camera: Skateboarder Lips Off To Cop, Gets Arrested
    Mandy Michaels Rubs Lotion on Her Huge Chest
    MARILYN MANSON blows Swine Flu Snot Rockets on fans
    Violet Shakes Her Outstanding Ass

  • These are some of the many social networking programs we're linked up with, so JOIN US, won't you?

    Zannel: FoundryMusic
    Facebook: FoundryMusic
    Posterous: FOUNDRY
    Twitter: FoundryMusic (you can get updates to your cell phone here as well)
    MySpace: FoundryMusic
    NING: FoundryMusic
    FRIEND FEED: FoundryMusic NSFW videos (we put all the dirty vids in one location)
    LiveVideo: FoundryMusic (updated daily)


    Posted via web from foundry's posterous

    Tuesday, September 29, 2009

    Tuesday Links: Lippy Skateboarder vs. Cop, Marilyn Manson Blows Snot Rockets, Tons of Link Love, Violet Erotica, Briana Lee and Mandy Michaels Showing off

  • Happy Tuesdee, kids. It's a happy, happy, happy day... we're happy to announce our proudest FoundryMusic Production Ever


  • Thank God the city of San Francisco is keeping those terrorist skateboarders off the streets. Lord only knows what mayhem they would cause:

    To serve and protect, mawfugger.

    (But your smartass mouth is getting annoying and old, so do us all a favor and be quiet for a change)

    A New Way For College Kids To Make Money (no fellatio required)

    Kate Beckinsale Looks Sexy Carrying Donuts (Drunken Stepfather)...and you know what? Kate Beckinsale looks really sexy NAKED too.

    Asia Akira is all kinds of Naked ...and Asian (Daily Niner)

    TV Girlfriends: Thy Neighbor's Wife (Bullz-Eye)

    Aletta Ocean and the Luckiest Orange Dildo ever (z0d)

    The Dallas Stars Ice Girls Went To The Lake (World of Isaac)

    Jenny McClain has really big boobies. Yippie-Ki-Yay! (Freakshow Planet)

    Ten Beatles Songs that Should be on Everyone's Favorites List (Gunaxin)

    Superman vs. Batman: Who's a Better Lay (FunnyCrave)

    Save the Boobs! Fantastic Breast Cancer PSA (Dave and Thomas)

    Put Arnold's Cookies Down! (Yep Yep)

    Sexy Singapore F1 Grid Girls (DJMICK)

    New Energy Drink In Market Feels And Looks Like Blood...WTF (Filmdrunk)

    At the Grand Theft Auto precinct, they don't take no crap ... or prisoners, apparently (atom)

    Job Fail: Burglar drinks wine, passes out during burglary (Illuminati)

    The bikini return of hot sideline reporter, Ines Sainz (Epic Carnival)

    Best Of The Rest: Power-Ranking The Cheerleaders From The BCS-Busters (Bleacher Report)

    Matt Damon really doesn't like Vinny Chase (Tastybooze)

    25 Awesome Futuristic Motorcycles (Super Tremendous)

  • I'M SORRY:
    (Sorry that the only ass you get to look at is your own. In the mirror. When you're popping butt zits)

  • Busty, beautiful Briana Lee is naked in the kitchen:

    Why? Because she CAN. That's good enough for us.

  • Why is Mandy Michaels rubbing so much lotion on herself?

    Because her boobs are HUGE. Now stop asking dumb questions!

  • From bosoms to bands, MARILYN MANSON is on tour and blowing swine-flu snot-rockets on his fans:

    Yeah, he was actually diagnosed with swine flu the day after he did this. Betcha wish you were at that show, dontcha?

  • Back to booty, the ass-tastic Violet, who you have seen in countless FOUNDRY CAMS clips, is showing off her outstanding bottom:

    And she's going fully-nude and hardcore at Violet Erotica!

  • Our buxom brunette beauty Sweet Victoria from FOUNDRY CAMS covers herself in the tightest outfit possible, and rocks out with LYNCH MOB:


  • (and now to recap... for the people with the retention ability of gnats. That means us, too.)

  • Before you head off to the motel to bang your married co-worker, take five minutes and see we added to the MEDIA SECTION:

    Briana Lee Shakes Her Naked Ass In The Kitchen
    Caught on Camera: Skateboarder Lips Off To Cop, Gets Arrested
    Mandy Michaels Rubs Lotion on Her Huge Chest
    MARILYN MANSON blows Swine Flu Snot Rockets on fans
    Violet Shakes Her Outstanding Ass

  • These are some of the many social networking programs we're linked up with, so JOIN US, won't you?

    Zannel: FoundryMusic
    Facebook: FoundryMusic
    Posterous: FOUNDRY
    Twitter: FoundryMusic (you can get updates to your cell phone here as well)
    MySpace: FoundryMusic
    NING: FoundryMusic
    FRIEND FEED: FoundryMusic NSFW videos (we put all the dirty vids in one location)
    LiveVideo: FoundryMusic (updated daily)


    Posted via web from foundry's posterous

    Monday, September 28, 2009

    Monday Links: Monday Motel Mess Mop-Up, Saturday Night Live F-Bomb, KISS live in Detroit, New 'Nightmare On Elm Street' Teaser, New Foundry Cams clip, Sexy Time with Aria Giovanni and Jelena Jensen

  • Happy Monday, boys and girls... did you remember to mop the floor after your weekend motel adventure?

    It's your God-given right to mess up hotel rooms with someone you're not married to.

  • Whoops! In case you missed it, Saturday Night Live newbie Jenny Slate dropped the F-Bomb accidentally on her first show ever...

    That's a great post-F-Bomb, "Oh Shit" face, Ms. Slate.

    (But your smartass mouth is getting annoying and old, so do us all a favor and be quiet for a change)

    A New Way For College Kids To Make Money (no fellatio required)

    A Romantic Story About a Man and His Small Penis (Drunken Stepfather)...oh for crying out loud... Just buy a penis pump. Sheesh.

    Paris Dahl feels up her Friend (Daily Niner)

    A chat with UFC's Matt Serra (Bullz-Eye)

    Lizzie is making a pee-pee on the potty. Seriously. (z0d)

    Five Team Sports to Organize at Work (Illuminati)

    Jenny McClain has really big boobies. Yippie-Ki-Yay! (Freakshow Planet)

    Twins: Double The Fun (Gunaxin)

    Beyonce, Nicole inspire Lewis Hamilton on to victory (Yard Barker)

    X-Wing Fighter Misses Landing (Dave and Thomas)

  • I'M SORRY:
    (Sorry that the only ass you get to look at is your own. In the mirror. When you're popping butt zits)

  • Here's a scene from Meridians of Passion with Aria Giovanni and Jelena Jensen:

    Lesbians lotioning each other up and then making out = ALWAYS wonderful.

  • Sexy Czech babe Veronika Zemanová is getting naked again:

    Does she need a reason? Nah, not really.

  • From bosoms to bands, KISS kicked off their world tour in Detroit at Cobo Arena:

    A li'l pre-concert performance for 1500 fans showcasing their new single "Modern Day Delilah". KISS is on tour now - get the best seats online.

  • The first teaser for the re-imagined NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET is here and lookin' spooky:

    Jackie Earle Haley (Rorschach from WATCHMEN) is Freddy Krueger. He definitely looks burned up.

  • Buxom British brunette Kitty Lea is all wet for you:

    Well, she's wet from the swimming pool, but still wet, dammit!

  • Our buxom brunette beauty Sweet Victoria from FOUNDRY CAMS covers herself in the tightest outfit possible, and rocks out with LYNCH MOB:


  • (and now to recap... for the people with the retention ability of gnats. That means us, too.)

  • Before you head off to the motel to bang your married co-worker, take five minutes and see we added to the MEDIA SECTION:

    A Nightmare on Elm Street (remake) - Teaser Trailer
    Aria Giovanni and Jelena Jensen Rub Lotion On Each Other
    KISS: 'Modern Day Delilah' - LIVE in Detroit
    Veronika Zemanová Peels off Her Black Lingerie
    Saturday Night Live: F-Bomb on 'Biker Chicks Chat'
    FOUNDRY CAMS: Sweet Victoria is Your Kind of Healer

  • These are some of the many social networking programs we're linked up with, so JOIN US, won't you?

    Zannel: FoundryMusic
    Facebook: FoundryMusic
    Posterous: FOUNDRY
    Twitter: FoundryMusic (you can get updates to your cell phone here as well)
    MySpace: FoundryMusic
    NING: FoundryMusic
    FRIEND FEED: FoundryMusic NSFW videos (we put all the dirty vids in one location)
    LiveVideo: FoundryMusic (updated daily)


    Posted via web from foundry's posterous

    Sunday, September 27, 2009

    FOUNDRY CAMS: Sweet Victoria is Your Kind of Healer

    Our buxom brunette beauty Sweet Victoria from FOUNDRY CAMS has once again found the tightest outfit in existence to display her amazing body (and our official Party Rock shirt). As you might expect, she's not in it very long once the music starts, and we get a good look at her spectacular...assets. Thanks to George Lynch and LYNCH MOB for the song "My Kind of Healer" from the upcoming Smoke & Mirrors release.
    Thanks to Jon for the editing as usual.


    After you get done wagging your tail around the floor, compose yourself and head over to FOUNDRY CAMS to chat with Sweet Victoria LIVE on cam!

    Order LYNCH MOB online here:

    Get LYNCH MOB on iTunes here:
    Lynch Mob

    See Sweet Victoria in these videos...and many more:

    FOUNDRY CAMS: Sweet Victoria and Bri are Your Addiction
    FOUNDRY CAMS: Sweet Victoria Rocks Out In Her STAY COZY shirt
    FOUNDRY CAMS: The First Noel - A Cam Girl Christmas Compilation
    FOUNDRY CAMS: Bombshells from Hell
    FOUNDRY CAMS: Sweet Victoria Tears Off Her F*CK ME Shirt
    FOUNDRY CAMS: Sweet Victoria Takes a Shower in her F*CK ME shirt

    MySpace: LYNCH MOB

    Posted via web from foundry's posterous

    FOUNDRY CAMS: Sweet Victoria is Your Kind of Healer

    Our buxom brunette beauty Sweet Victoria from FOUNDRY CAMS has once again found the tightest outfit in existence to display her amazing body (and our official Party Rock shirt). As you might expect, she's not in it very long once the music starts, and we get a good look at her spectacular...assets. Thanks to George Lynch and LYNCH MOB for the song "My Kind of Healer" from the upcoming Smoke & Mirrors release.
    Thanks to Jon for the editing as usual.


    After you get done wagging your tail around the floor, compose yourself and head over to FOUNDRY CAMS to chat with Sweet Victoria LIVE on cam!

    Order LYNCH MOB online here:

    Get LYNCH MOB on iTunes here:
    Lynch Mob

    See Sweet Victoria in these videos...and many more:

    FOUNDRY CAMS: Sweet Victoria and Bri are Your Addiction
    FOUNDRY CAMS: Sweet Victoria Rocks Out In Her STAY COZY shirt
    FOUNDRY CAMS: The First Noel - A Cam Girl Christmas Compilation
    FOUNDRY CAMS: Bombshells from Hell
    FOUNDRY CAMS: Sweet Victoria Tears Off Her F*CK ME Shirt
    FOUNDRY CAMS: Sweet Victoria Takes a Shower in her F*CK ME shirt

    MySpace: LYNCH MOB

    Posted via web from foundry's posterous

    Friday, September 25, 2009

    Friday Links: Weekends are for Adultery, G-20 Protester goes down, BMX biker vs Handrail, SKID ROW and ANVIL live, Shawna Lenee, Christine Mendoza, and Kitty Lea

  • It's the weeekend, and it's time for you to find a lonely wife... she's yours for the taking:

    This lonely hot wife was brought to you by the people who encourage affairs with lonely hot wives.

  • ...and when your wife told you she was going out with the girls:

    She was at a bachelorette party getting nailed by The Dancing Bear!

  • Our crack staff of crackheads is at it again with a Big Pile of Dirty DVD Reviews. We buy 'em, and we think you should too.

  • Protesting is fun! You can yell, throw stuff, and

    LIke this happy camper who got taught a lesson by the PA State Police SWAT team.

  • BMX riders smashing their nuts on handrails = ALWAYS funny.

    How many ball-smashing you think it takes before he gets THAT stunt right?

    (But your condescending mouth is, so shut up before someone nails your lips shut)

    A New Way For College Kids To Make Money (no fellatio required)

    Sexiest...Pregnant Chick...Ever (Muscle Sorority)

    Pamela Anderson Topless in a G-String on a Runway (Drunken Stepfather)... and to be honest... Pam Anderson looks so much better in homemade porno tapes with Bret Michaels

    Danni Bae Has a Hot Sexy Bottom (Daily Niner)

    A chat with UFC's Matt Serra (Bullz-Eye)

    Eliza and Marcella look great together...and nekkid (z0d)

    13 Reasons to Watch TV This Fall (The Girls) (Gunaxin)

    Riley Evans shows off her no-no spot (Freakshow Planet)

    Espresso with a happy ending (Yep Yep)

    Loving Wife Turns Naughty Neighbour (DJMICK)

    David Cronenberg Remaking His Own Movie (FilmDrunk)

    A Tribute to the Yankees Season... in Cocktails (The Bachelor Guy)

    25 Amazing Plant Sculptures (Super Tremendous)

  • I'M SORRY:
    (Actually, we're not sorry. You suck at life, and you'll die lonely and broke)

  • When Shawna Lenee isn't having a complete meltdown, she actually looks really hot:

    A gal can only keep those repressed memories stuffed down for so long, you know?

  • Our favorite Filipina Christine Mendoza can't seem to keep her clothes on:

    Especially when she's in front of a webcam in slinky lingerie. That's the kiss of death most times.

  • From bosoms to bands, we check in with our pals in SKID ROW who spent some time in the Wolf Den inside Mohegan Sun this summer:

    Scotti, Snake, Rachel, Johnny, and Dave. No Sebastian here.

  • The heavy metal success super story of the decade, ANVIL played their hit "Metal on Metal" in Toronto:

    Fifty? Shmifty... you're never too old...or rawk!

  • Buxom British brunette Kitty Lea is all wet for you:

    Well, she's wet from the swimming pool, but still wet, dammit!

  • Now let's all lust after the ladies of FOUNDRY CAMS, like Maiya, Sweet Victoria, Kyra, and a slew of others grinding their asses in a Grinhouse-style tribute to our buds in SCUM OF THE EARTH:


  • (and now to recap... for the people with the attention span of sparrows. US included.)

  • Hold off on sleeping with your friend's wife and lookee what we added to the MEDIA SECTION:

    BMX Bike vs Handrail
    Shawna Lenee Sheds Her Bra and Panties
    ANVIL: 'Metal On Metal' LIVE at Sunrise Records in Toronto
    Busty British Kitty Lea Nude Photo Shoot
    SKID ROW: 'Ghost' LIVE at Mohegan Sun Casino
    Christine Mendoza Loses Her Blue Lace Lingerie
    Protester Grabbed and Thrown into Unmarked Car at G20 Summit


  • These are some of the many social networking programs we're linked up with, so JOIN US, won't you?

    Zannel: FoundryMusic
    Facebook: FoundryMusic
    Posterous: FOUNDRY
    Twitter: FoundryMusic (you can get updates to your cell phone here as well)
    MySpace: FoundryMusic
    NING: FoundryMusic
    FRIEND FEED: FoundryMusic NSFW videos (we put all the dirty vids in one location)
    LiveVideo: FoundryMusic (updated daily)


    Posted via web from foundry's posterous

    Thursday, September 24, 2009

    Thursday Links: Trailer Park MILF, Smashed-Face-Cheerleader, Link Lovin', New Reviews, James Hetfield with ALICE IN CHAINS, Andie Valentino, Kathy Lee, and Julia Crown

  • She lives in a trailer and she's looking for company while her man is at work:

    This trailer park MILF was brought to you by the people who encourage affairs with trailer park MILFs.

  • Our crack staff of crackheads is at it again with a Big Pile of Dirty DVD Reviews. We buy 'em, and we think you should too.

  • Rah, Rah, Siss-Boom-SPLAT! Another Cheerleader bites the dust:

    Girls landing on their heads = ALWAYS funny.

    (But your condescending mouth is, so shut up before someone nails your lips shut)

    Earn your broke college ass some cold-hard-cash (no, you don't have to go down on anybody)

    Pregnant WITH six-pack Abs (well ok, a 2-pack now) does she do it? (Muscle Sorority)

    Barrack's Big Stimulus Package - Trailer (Drunken Stepfather)... oh wait, we get it... it's one of those dirty movies with a clever title!

    Lidiya and Sofi are SO affectionate...and NAKED (Daily Niner)

    A chat with UFC's Matt Serra (Bullz-Eye)

    We don't know who Mayara Vale is... but she sure looks good NAKED (z0d)

    Fat Kids Getting Hurt To Unfitting Music (Yep Yep)

    Jenna Nikol is Nicely Naked (Freakshow Planet)

    Twenty Five Favorite Fake Movie Brands (Gunaxin)

    15 of the luckiest people ever caught on video (Epic Carnival)

    Note To Japan: Blackface Is Not A Tribute (Warming Glow)

    Put the stapler down. Deal with your boss in a civilized manner (Illuminati)

    Pictures of People Sleeping Are Hot On The Web (URLesque)

  • 25 Best Chest Hair Designs (College Humor)

    Archie and Jughead Score Crack in Hollywood (FilmDrunk)

    8 Iconic TV Show Buildings That Actually Exist (Super Tremendous)

    Megan Fox 'Hire a Hacktress' Music Video (Screen Junkies)

    I'M SORRY:
    (Actually, we're not sorry. You suck at life, and you'll die lonely and broke)

  • She's Andie Valentino and she rubs the lotion on her boobies:

    or else she gets the hose again... Well, we really could never bring ourselves to hose her down.

  • Sexy Czech Kathy Lee is taking a shower:

    ..and we have nothing snarky to say about it, because we're too busy drooling.

  • What a cool rock moment - ALICE IN CHAINS and James Hetfield of METALLICA rock out in Germany:

    That was ROCK AM RING in 2006. The Germans get all the cool shows.

  • Sexy Swedish blond babe Julia Crown can't wait to get her clothes off:

    We couldn't wait for her to get her clothes off either...we're like SISTERS!

  • Now let's all lust after the ladies of FOUNDRY CAMS, like Maiya, Sweet Victoria, Kyra, and a slew of others grinding their asses in a Grinhouse-style tribute to our buds in SCUM OF THE EARTH:


  • (and now to recap... for the people with the attention span of sparrows. US included.)

  • Hold off on sleeping with your friend's wife and lookee what we added to the MEDIA SECTION:

    OZZY OSBOURNE - 'Wreckage Of My Past' - Trailer
    Hot Russian Blond Babe Honey Shows Off Her Tight Body
    Double Motorcycle Collision at Intersection
    Anya Washes Her Massive Boobs In Milk
    JOE PERRY PROJECT: 'Walk This Way' LIVE in Plymouth, MA


  • These are some of the many social networking programs we're linked up with, so JOIN US, won't you?

    Zannel: FoundryMusic
    Facebook: FoundryMusic
    Posterous: FOUNDRY
    Twitter: FoundryMusic (you can get updates to your cell phone here as well)
    MySpace: FoundryMusic
    NING: FoundryMusic
    FRIEND FEED: FoundryMusic NSFW videos (we put all the dirty vids in one location)
    LiveVideo: FoundryMusic (updated daily)


    Posted via web from foundry's posterous

    Wednesday, September 23, 2009

    Wednesday Links: Mid-Week Affair and the Dancing Bear, Motorcycle Mash-Up, Joe Perry Live, New OZZY Documentary, Russian babe fest with Merilyn Sakova

  • It's hump day, kids... so start humping, dammit. Those boobs aren't going to fondle themselves, you know.

    Well she might fondle them BY herself, but that's not as much fun as having an affair with the busty co-worker in the next cubicle, now is it?

  • By the way, if your woman tells you she's going out with the girls... watch out for the Dancing Bear.

    Check her clothes for fur fragments when she gets home, buster.


  • Don't worry mister motorcycle man, that STOP sign doesn't apply to you:

    ...unless there's another motorcycle man on the other side of the intersection.


    (But your condescending mouth is, so shut up before someone nails your lips shut)

    Aubrey O'Day and Holly Madison Go Topless in Vegas (Drunken Stepfather)... and here's Holly Madison Getting naked on film!

    Saantha Ryan Can't stop touching herself (Daily Niner)

    Glamor Girl: Reagen (Bullz-Eye)

    Cindy Hope...Hopes there's no one looking in her backyard with a telescope (z0d)

    Five supplies you should steal from work (Illuminati)

    Naughty Schoolgirl Ashlyn Page messes up the library (Freakshow Planet)

    “I’m with Stupid” – Cartoon Edition (Gunaxin)

    Signs you are trick-or-treating at a swinger's house (Illuminati)

    A Definitive Guide To Combovers (Yep Yep)

    Nicole Eggert is...Chubby! Nooooooo! (Don Chavez)

    Legend of Neil, Season 2, Ep. 5 (atom)

  • YouTube’s 5 Best Parkour Fails (Nextround)

    The 10 Hottest Celebrity Sports Wives and Girlfriends (Bleacher Report)

    This Week In Clothed Animal Commericals (Warming Glow)

    I'M SORRY:

    (Actually, we're not sorry. You suck at life, and you'll die lonely and broke)

  • Busty Russian beauty Merilyn Sakova can't seem to find clothes that fit:

    Well, she CAN. She just chooses to wear tiny bikinis. We don't mind one bit.

  • Russian babes are the flavor of the day, and Honey is finger-licking good:

    Honey is also about to get DP'ed by two gentlemen, so we hope she has lots o' lube.

  • While AEROSMITH takes a li'l break, Mr Joe Perry is rocking the solo gigs, like this one in Plymouth, Mass:

    Walk This Way, fuckstick.

  • The Prince of Fucking Darkness, OZZY OSBOURNE will be the focus of a new documentary, produced by his son, Jack:

    Newly sober, and reflective as hell. He's Ozzy, bitches.

  • Boobies and milk! It's Anya from Polish Busty washing her milk jugs in a bathtub full of ...milk:

    Why even bother with clothes?

  • Now let's all lust after the ladies of FOUNDRY CAMS, like Maiya, Sweet Victoria, Kyra, and a slew of others grinding their asses in a Grinhouse-style tribute to our buds in SCUM OF THE EARTH:


  • (and now to recap... for the people with the attention span of sparrows. US included.)

  • Hold off on sleeping with your friend's wife and lookee what we added to the MEDIA SECTION:

    OZZY OSBOURNE - 'Wreckage Of My Past' - Trailer

    Hot Russian Blond Babe Honey Shows Off Her Tight Body

    Double Motorcycle Collision at Intersection

    Anya Washes Her Massive Boobs In Milk

    JOE PERRY PROJECT: 'Walk This Way' LIVE in Plymouth, MA

    Busty Merilyn in a Tiny Black Bikini

  • These are some of the many social networking programs we're linked up with, so JOIN US, won't you?

    Zannel: FoundryMusic

    Facebook: FoundryMusic

    Posterous: FOUNDRY

    Twitter: FoundryMusic (you can get updates to your cell phone here as well)

    MySpace: FoundryMusic

    NING: FoundryMusic

    FRIEND FEED: FoundryMusic NSFW videos (we put all the dirty vids in one location)

    LiveVideo: FoundryMusic (updated daily)
