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Weekend's Here! Clothing Optional! Find a Fiesty Friend and Fling those Clothes to the side...

Guilt is for suckers. Adulterous Affairs are for Brave Citizens like yourself. Do it for your country.
(But not half as bad as your people skills)
A cell phone store clerk in Chicago shows off his King Kong-sized balls in this CCTV video:

Now who's got the gun, Beeeeeyotch? OK, that's a bit much. The dude was Pakistani. Do Pakistanis even say 'Beyotch'?
You want to feel lazy? Check out 63-year old Sylvester Stallone getting his ass kicked by Steve Austin:

Sly got his ass KICKED... and his neck BROKEN while filming a fight scene for THE EXPENDABLES.
The new judges on 'AMERICAN IDOL' are...ZZzzzzzzzzz (WWTDD)
yeah yeah... enough already with this nonses just TAKE YER SHIRT OFF! Yeah, We know. Subtle.
Everyone say Hello to MONTANA FISHBURNE: PORN STAR! (Drunken Stepfather)
You can thank the wonderful people at VIVID Entertainment for bringing this professionally-made tape to market... Montana thinks this is her ticket to fame... err, infamy...err, whatever.
Plot of ‘Charlie St. Cloud’ Recreated With Hilarious Review Quotes (FilmDrunk)
Life Inside the Bunny House (The Smoking Jacket)
Talia Kristin has 2 first names, 2 pigtails, 2 great boobs, and 2 much clothes on. (Freakshow Planet)
Movie Review: Dinner for Schmucks (Bullz-Eye)
Top 10 White-Trash TV Show Girls (BroBible)
Kiara Diane Barely gets out of the car before she gets out of her clothes (Dailyniner)
The 10 Most Dangerous MMA Fighters (InfoGraphic) (The Cage Doctors)
The 100 Hottest Women from New Jersey (BroBible)
McKenzie Miles has her hand over her no-no spot, but she's not hiding it well (z0d)
5 Essential Summertime Drinking Apparatuses (Banned In Hollywood)
High School Cheerleader Tackles Mall Thief -- and doesn't even have to hang
up her cell phone to do so (LemonDrop)
(but not half as sorry as you're going to be when you realize you have no marketable skills)
What does BRET MICHAELS have in common with a million potatoes?

Absolutely Nothing. But they were both in Idaho the other day. Bret is on tour now so get your tickets... you know, before he dies.
In an effort to broaden their demographic reach, the guys in QUEENSRYCHE have enlisted the help of a chubby dominatrix:

They're trying to lure in the chubby chasers. QUEENSRYCHE is on tour now with their 'Cabaret' show... get them tickets now, madam.
Rock bands... whoosh...transition...and BOOBS!
Busty Blond MILF Tyler Faith is tired after a long day of making sex videos:

Trust us, just suspend disbelief for a minute and watch Tyler give a lucky pink vibrator the time of its life.
Bottle-blond Brandy Blair is getting a massage by a horny male masseuse:

And apparently she found the one massage parlor on the planet where you can get molested and not file charges.
Naturally beautiful brunette Renna Ryann is picking produce topless:

Some ladies squeeze the fruit. Renna likes to rub her tits on it to make sure it's ripe.
Holy. Moley. Our Italian a beautiful young lady from FOUNDRY CAMS girl Dannie Gee or Danni G did a great job tearing up and re-working our old-school FoundryMusic T-shirt, and shaking her ass to "Kick in The Teeth" by PAPA ROACH from their upcoming album Time For Annihilation..On the Road, and On The Record:

Pick yourself up off the floor, wipe the drool off your chest...and then Head on over to FOUNDRY CAMS and Chat with Danni Gee/Danni G LIVE...and NUUUUDE (uh, yeah...we mean HER. Not you)
Visit some of our other hot properties, won't you?
We're on FourSquare...talking about all the cool shit we do... or wish we did
FOUNDRYNEWS is online, so we can do the blogging thing
Follow us on Twitter, or we'll send wolves to your house to gnaw at your privates
be our friend on Facebook, or we'll send AIDS-infested gerbils through your vents to bite you while you sleep
We've been on MYSPACE since the dawn of time. It was cavemen...and us...and Dane Cook.
We're also on POSTEROUS, so read that shit.
We also have a spot on this thing called NING, and that rhymes. Go us.
FRIEND FEED also has a spot for FoundryMusic... because we're in desperate need of friends.
(But not half as bad as your people skills)
A group of college-age MENSA members drop a firecracker into a ten gallon fish tank:

What did they THINK was going to happen. The Goldfish are OK. The Fish Tank isn't.
Ladies and Gentlemen, dorks of all ages (like us)... let your geek flag fly... it's Exclusive THOR footage!

If you were lucky enough to see it at Comic-Con, then ... Good for you. If not, then Enjoy... and if you don't know THOR, you have catching up to do.
Adriana Lima is Not a Good Bikini Model (WWTDD)
'Scuse us, ma'am Enough with the 'Ugly Betty' crap and drop yer pants!
Tara Reid Drunken Party Pictures (Drunken Stepfather)
Just the way we like her shitface drunk and falling out of her shirt... those acting gigs are right around the corner!
Would You Eat Sushi Out of a Tube? The Sushi Popper is Now Available! (The Campus Socialite)
Final Thoughts On Comic-Con: It’s Like A 4-Day Double Rainbow Video (FilmDrunk)
Monika Vesela shouldn't play soccer naked. She's going to get hurt. Are we missing the point? Again? (Freakshow Planet)
Grub For Guys: Peanut Butter and Banana Burger (Bullz-Eye)
Adorable Kittens Cause Massive Property Damage, Bodily Injury (UPROXX)
Ashley Nicole Arthur shouldn't play basketball naked. The other team might get distracted, you know? (Dailyniner)
The 10 Most Dangerous MMA Fighters (InfoGraphic) (The Cage Doctors)
The 100 Hottest Women from New Jersey (BroBible)
Cassie Kellar is one Student whose Body We'd like to Study (z0d)
Facebook Sex Interactive Adventure (FunnyCrave)
Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis: Steve Carell (Dave and Thomas)
(but not half as sorry as you're going to be when you realize you have no marketable skills)
Dee Snider from TWISTED SISTER jumped on stage with GRADY at the Republic of Texas Biker Rally:

"We're Not Gonna Take it"? What, the rising cost of Icy Hot? See, that's an old person joke. Albeit a bad one.
Former GUNS N' ROSES drummer Steven Adler and ADLER's APPETITE rolled out their new song "Alive" in Santa Ana:

Because he's such a nice fella, he's giving away the song with every purchase of his new book... for a limited time, of course.
From Classic Rock to Classic Racks...
Holy Jamoley! Shauna Sand, who you kmight know from a li'l sex tape... was once a PLAYBOY Playmate of the Month:

This clip was from a 1997 Playboy Video Centerfold video. WOW. 13 years and a lot of plastic surgery makes all the difference.
Remember German adult starlet Amy Reid? She's wetting up her boobs again:

She's doing it all in the name of her profession of course. you can see the full scene in Big Wet Tits 3 - On Demand Now (see? we no lie).
Holy. Moley. Our Italian a beautiful young lady from FOUNDRY CAMS girl Dannie Gee or Danni G did a great job tearing up and re-working our old-school FoundryMusic T-shirt, and shaking her ass to "Kick in The Teeth" by PAPA ROACH from their upcoming album Time For Annihilation..On the Road, and On The Record:

Pick yourself up off the floor, wipe the drool off your chest...and then Head on over to FOUNDRY CAMS and Chat with Danni Gee/Danni G LIVE...and NUUUUDE (uh, yeah...we mean HER. Not you)
Visit some of our other hot properties, won't you?
We're on FourSquare...talking about all the cool shit we do... or wish we did
FOUNDRYNEWS is online, so we can do the blogging thing
Follow us on Twitter, or we'll send wolves to your house to gnaw at your privates
be our friend on Facebook, or we'll send AIDS-infested gerbils through your vents to bite you while you sleep
We've been on MYSPACE since the dawn of time. It was cavemen...and us...and Dane Cook.
We're also on POSTEROUS, so read that shit.
We also have a spot on this thing called NING, and that rhymes. Go us.
FRIEND FEED also has a spot for FoundryMusic... because we're in desperate need of friends.
Oh, it's hump day. You know what that means, don't you? time to cozy up to that cute co-worker, and...

Well, you know. the Navajo Indians called it 'Hump Day' after the millions of natives that wouldn't stop having adulterous affairs mid-week. Serious. Look it up.
(But not half as bad as your people skills)
ROB ZOMBIE is none too pleased with OZZY OSBOURNE for taking his musicians:

Fight! Fight! a n... Wait, no...that'll never work. If you want to see Zombie's former bandmates just Go See OZZY OSBOURNE live
Miranda Kerr is Pregnant. (WWTDD)
*slow motion voice* "Noooooooooooo!"... We like THIS version of Miranda Kerr!!!
Tara Reid Is Still Alive (Drunken Stepfather)
Boooooo! Wait, no...take your shirt off! We like when she gets drunk and her titties fall out.
Buzz and Woody Badmouth Dreamworks (College Humor)
Jenna Presley just popped out of her pink and black bra... and it's just fine with us (Freakshow Planet)
Girl Next Door: Melissa Melendez (Bullz-Eye)
Polanski Accused of Anal Rape For The 3rd Time? (FilmDrunk)
Audrey Bitoni is Giving Herself a Massive Frontal Wedgie (Dailyniner)
Comic-Con 2010: Slave Leia Cosplay Photo Essay (FilmDrunk)
Worlds Most Awkward Fist Fight (The Campus Socialite)
Lexi Lowe isn't really a Doctor; She just has a nifty Jacket. Don't take those pills she's giving you. (z0d)
Bored at Work? Here's Your Cure
'Sons of Anarchy' Season 3 Trailer (GammaSquad)
(but not half as sorry as you're going to be when you realize you have no marketable skills)
The teaser for MEDAL OF HONOR will have millions of fanboys salivating:

Between the eye-popping graphics and the LINKIN PARK soundtrack, there's bound to be some saliva on the floor.
Guitarist GEORGE LYNCH and LYNCH MOB are out on tour supporting their latest album Smoke and Mirrors:

Somewhere in the back of the bar, DON DOKKEN is crying into a warm, stale beer... or not. Rumor has it Lynch is going to tour with DOKKEN again.
from Riffs to Racks, we now show you THIS...
Busty blond PENTHOUSE Pet Kayden Kross Kan't Keep Her hands out of her K...:

See What we did there? We used a lot of K's...even when we shouldn't.. Besides, you don't spell C**T with a K... you don't spell it with '**' in the middle either.
Pinup babe September Carrino Can't Keep Her Shirt on:

Well, she CAN... She just chooses not to.
Lovely Leigh Livingston is oiling up and rubbing down her Huge Hooters:

All for charity, of course. The Charity goes by the name of 'Big Wet Tits 7' (See? We no lie)
Holy. Moley. Our Italian a beautiful young lady from FOUNDRY CAMS girl Dannie Gee or Danni G did a great job tearing up and re-working our old-school FoundryMusic T-shirt, and shaking her ass to "Kick in The Teeth" by PAPA ROACH from their upcoming album Time For Annihilation..On the Road, and On The Record:

Pick yourself up off the floor, wipe the drool off your chest...and then Head on over to FOUNDRY CAMS and Chat with Danni Gee/Danni G LIVE...and NUUUUDE (uh, yeah...we mean HER. Not you)
Visit some of our other hot properties, won't you?
We're on FourSquare...talking about all the cool shit we do... or wish we did
FOUNDRYNEWS is online, so we can do the blogging thing
Follow us on Twitter, or we'll send wolves to your house to gnaw at your privates
be our friend on Facebook, or we'll send AIDS-infested gerbils through your vents to bite you while you sleep
We've been on MYSPACE since the dawn of time. It was cavemen...and us...and Dane Cook.
We're also on POSTEROUS, so read that shit.
We also have a spot on this thing called NING, and that rhymes. Go us.
FRIEND FEED also has a spot for FoundryMusic... because we're in desperate need of friends.
(But not half as bad as your people skills)
If driving a motorized couch to class is wrong...

Then we don't want to be right...
New Boobs On RateMyWOW: Thanks again to our pals Yoshi and Brandon Iron, who is constantly shooting content for LOAD MY MOUTH (so very not-safe-for-work), we were able to add new bosoms to RateMyWOW today courtesy of MOCHA DELIGHT and ALICIA ANDREWS:

Marisa Miller is in FHM (the UK version). That Is All. (WWTDD)
...and because we CAN... Marisa Miller is Sans-Clothes Quite often. Well, scantily-clad at least.
Drew Barrymore Doggy Style in ELLE (Drunken Stepfather)
JEEZ, where have we been? did you know Drew got naked this much? You did? Oh, OK. We stink then.
25 Smokin’ Hot Moments In Fire Fail (Banned In Hollywood)
Jodie Starr is a bright, blond, busty, shining... bimbo. see, and you thought we were gonna say 'star' (Freakshow Planet) Featured Model: Penny Mathis (Bullz-Eye)
Tire Slashing Scorned Wife (The Smoking Jacket)
Juelz and Jasmine are two busty brunettes who are awfully friendly (Dailyniner)
Comic-Con 2010: Slave Leia Cosplay Photo Essay (FilmDrunk)
Worlds Most Awkward Fist Fight (The Campus Socialite)
Roxanna is Debating whether or not to show you her cooch. It's a short argument (z0d)
Olivia Munn's Goat Impression Could Use Some Work (TV Squad)
(but not half as sorry as you're going to be when you realize you have no marketable skills)
Screw NASA and their space exploration ROB ZOMBIE says "Mars Needs Women":

See what we did there? We took the song title and worked it into the headline...and ...echh.
Not only are the Swedes responsible for the Nobel Prize, but they're also behind the creepiest fucking music video we have ever seen, courtesy of SOILWORK:

The band's new album The Panic Broadcast just got released, with some killer packaging, we might add.
from tremendous riffs to movie trailers...
Zack Synder, the man behind those red-caped Spartans in '300' just released the first teaser for next year's SUCKER PUNCH:

Snyder has described the film as "Alice in Wonderland with machine guns"... We couldn't have said it better.
from Movies to MILFs...
Our blond busty friend Tyler Faith can't keep her hands off herself:

In fact Tyler pulls her bra off like it's on fire... you know, because she's impatient.
School girl videos are inherently naughty, but Teen Kasia's touchy-feely school Girl clip is EXTRA dirty:

Why? Because she's Polish, and barely speaks any English, so who knows what trickery is going on behind that camera?
The beautiful Gisele, who you have seen in many FOUNDRY CAMS music videos as well as on her own site Got Gisele, just can't keep her clothes on:

Not that we'd ever object, of course, because Gisele is the kind of gal who looks great naked, you know?
Holy. Moley. Our Italian a beautiful young lady from FOUNDRY CAMS girl Dannie Gee or Danni G did a great job tearing up and re-working our old-school FoundryMusic T-shirt, and shaking her ass to "Kick in The Teeth" by PAPA ROACH from their upcoming album Time For Annihilation..On the Road, and On The Record:

Pick yourself up off the floor, wipe the drool off your chest...and then Head on over to FOUNDRY CAMS and Chat with Danni Gee/Danni G LIVE...and NUUUUDE (uh, yeah...we mean HER. Not you)
Visit some of our other hot properties, won't you?
We're on FourSquare...talking about all the cool shit we do... or wish we did
FOUNDRYNEWS is online, so we can do the blogging thing
Follow us on Twitter, or we'll send wolves to your house to gnaw at your privates
be our friend on Facebook, or we'll send AIDS-infested gerbils through your vents to bite you while you sleep
We've been on MYSPACE since the dawn of time. It was cavemen...and us...and Dane Cook.
We're also on POSTEROUS, so read that shit.
We also have a spot on this thing called NING, and that rhymes. Go us.
FRIEND FEED also has a spot for FoundryMusic... because we're in desperate need of friends.
Happy Monday! if you woke up next to someone like this...

Then congratulations! your adulterous weekend is a privilege of being a grown-up, because after all... adultery is for adults.
(But not half as bad as your people skills)
Sometimes you just need a coffe, and you can't wait in line:

Crashing your car into a sidewalk cafe and rolling up the counter should probably be a last-resort kind of thing.
New Boobs On RateMyWOW: Thanks again to our pals Yoshi and Brandon Iron, who is constantly shooting content for LOAD MY MOUTH and COVER MY FACE (so very not-safe-for-work), we were able to add new bosoms to RateMyWOW today courtesy of FRIDA and ALICIA:

Angelina Jolie Kissed Some Random Fan in Moscow (WWTDD)
This is important WHY??? because it gives us an excuse to look at a bunch of her nude/sex scenes on Mr Skin. Hey, at least we're honest.
Amanda Seyfried is wearing a really odd outfit (Drunken Stepfather)
...and of course we're commenting on this because we saw her sex scenes in 'CHLOE' over the weekend and now we can't get enough of Amanda Seyfried's boobs.
The Real Girls of Jersey Shore (The Smoking Jacket)
Paging Kayla Paige...Paging Kayla Paige... oh, there you are...naked in the garden (Freakshow Planet) Featured Model: Nikki (Bullz-Eye)
Your Guts Are Danny Trejo’s Rope, Puto! (FilmDrunk)
Lizz Taylor is Likely to be touching herself once she slips out of her pink panties (Dailyniner)
8 Famous Sea Monsters And Their Amazing Real Life Equivalents (UPROXX)
15 USA Network Swear Words (Dave and Thomas)
Ryana Daniels is the sweetest dark meat you'll ever see (z0d)
Basil Marceaux is Running for Governor Of Tennesee... God Help them (Dave and Thomas)
(but not half as sorry as you're going to be when you realize you have no marketable skills)
A pack of pooing pigeons caused KINGS OF LEON to cancel their show in St Louis:

Meh, call 'em crybabies, but pigeons shitting in your mouth is a hell of a reason to end a concert.
After spending all day at the Heavy MTL Festival, MEGADETH rolled into a little club in Montreal and played for a few hundred wackos:

Dave Mustaine was (allegedly) drunk off his ass, but we weren't there to witness it, so we'll stick with "Allegedly".
The remaining members of HEAVEN & HELL performed their first and ONLY tribute to the late Ronnie James Dio:

They were joined by Glenn Hughes and Jorn Lande, who filled in on vocals.
...and in New Hampshire, Aaron Lewis from STAIND was channeling his inner Sebastian Bach:

The guys in STAIND will get to work on a new album later this year.
from big guitars, to bigger boobies...
The geekest pair of horn-rimmed glasses can't distact from Sara Stone's huge boobs:

25 years-old, and packing 36DD funbags.
Busty blond bombshell Katarina Snow juggles better than any circus clown:

Only she's not juggling bowling pins she's juggling her own...welll... you know.
Holy. Moley. Our Italian a beautiful young lady from FOUNDRY CAMS girl Dannie Gee or Danni G did a great job tearing up and re-working our old-school FoundryMusic T-shirt, and shaking her ass to "Kick in The Teeth" by PAPA ROACH from their upcoming album Time For Annihilation..On the Road, and On The Record:

Pick yourself up off the floor, wipe the drool off your chest...and then Head on over to FOUNDRY CAMS and Chat with Danni Gee/Danni G LIVE...and NUUUUDE (uh, yeah...we mean HER. Not you)
Visit some of our other hot properties, won't you?
We're on FourSquare...talking about all the cool shit we do... or wish we did
FOUNDRYNEWS is online, so we can do the blogging thing
Follow us on Twitter, or we'll send wolves to your house to gnaw at your privates
be our friend on Facebook, or we'll send AIDS-infested gerbils through your vents to bite you while you sleep
We've been on MYSPACE since the dawn of time. It was cavemen...and us...and Dane Cook.
We're also on POSTEROUS, so read that shit.
We also have a spot on this thing called NING, and that rhymes. Go us.
FRIEND FEED also has a spot for FoundryMusic... because we're in desperate need of friends.