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Ooh, it's Wednesday! It's Hump Day! So grab your favorite frisky co-worker and get frisky in a hotel suite of yuor choosing:

We don't make the rules. We simply enforce them. Having an affair is your civic duty, so get to it... or we'll issue you a summons written in crayon.
(Just like your hairline. It's called ROGAINE. Go get some.)
A poor chubby Australian Football fan got pegged in the face with a football.

...and those nice guys at the AFL FOOTY SHOW on Australia's Nine Network grabbed it for all of us to enjoy.
The Sloppiest, Drunkest, Chubbiest Gal ever... Falls face-first right in front of the worst METALLICA cover band. EVER.

The drinking is forgiveable. The botching of "Enter Sandman"... is not. Shoot them all.
Britney Spears is Under Investigation For Child Abuse (WWTDD)
Say it aint so!!! Not THIS Briney Spears!!! Yup. That one.
Dolly Parton's Old Lady Boobs Are Wonderful (Drunken Stepfather)
The Full Bizarre Story Behind Don't Taze My Granny (Asylum)
Sexy Sophie Moon is Mooning The Camera...and a lot more (Freakshow Planet)
Featured Model: Niki (Bullz-Eye)
Lenny Kravitz Surprise Performance of 'Fly Away' With Church Choir (URLesque)
Mavis Bacon Teaches Texting (CollegeHumor)
Jessica Lynn is going to show you where you can shove it. Politely, of course. (Dailyniner)
The Most Bizarre of Batman’s Baddies (Gunaxin)
Angelina Valentine wants to be your tattooed, naked valentine. Seriously. We asked her. (z0d)
Yeahs! Paraguay wins! More Larissa Riquelme World Cup Pictures (Dave and Thomas)
Attention: Flying Cars. That is All (GammaSquad)
You Had Me at 'RZA Made a Kung-Fu Movie' (FilmDrunk)
(Sorry that the only ass you'll ever get is attached to a Peruvian pool boy)
James Hetfield and Dave Mustaine? On Stage? Playing Together? Whoa boy. Hell Froze Over:

What kind of universe is it that METALLICA and MEGADETH are getting along?
Our buddy MOTLEY CRUE frontman VINCE NEIL played his new single "Tattoos & Tequila" in New Hampshire alongside his bandmates Dana Strum and Jeff Blando (from SLAUGHTER):

...just a few days prior to getting a DUI in Las Vegas for (allegedly) drinking too much Tequila (maybe).
From Hard Rock to Hard Nips...
For those of you not in the know, this brunette beauty is Cody Lane:

She's oiling up her fanny in BIG WET ASSES 11 - which you can see on demand now...and she gets choked out with a ladder.
Hungarian Hotness Aletta Ocean gets a full-body rubdown.. in the only massage parlor on the planet that you can get away with groping your clients:

In what universe can you get away with boning your hot female clients? We want to move there, dammit.
And for you fans of the meatier ladies, meet Texas-born Busty Beauty Angel Gee who does NOT like wearing tight dresses:

Those are 36F-sized Funbags. Someone's going to need a back brace.
We have another beautiful busty blond babe shakin' her hiney in a FoundryMusic shirt...
Busty blond beautiful Bobbia makes her FOUNDRY CAMS debut in this clip featuring music by Sweden's CRASHDIET:

CLick Bobbia's Booty, damn you!!
Nice, right? Cam up with Bobbia at FOUNDRY CAMS and try to charm her out of her shorts
Visit some of our other hot properties, won't you?
We're on FourSquare...talking about all the cool shit we do... or wish we did
FOUNDRYNEWS is online, so we can do the blogging thing
Follow us on Twitter, or we'll send wolves to your house to gnaw at your privates
be our friend on Facebook, or we'll send AIDS-infested gerbils through your vents to bite you while you sleep
We've been on MYSPACE since the dawn of time. It was cavemen...and us...and Dane Cook.
We're also on POSTEROUS, so read that shit.
We also have a spot on this thing called NING, and that rhymes. Go us.
FRIEND FEED also has a spot for FoundryMusic... because we're in desperate need of friends.
(Just like your hairline. It's called ROGAINE. Go get some.)
3 Car Chases. 2 Days. 1 Enormous Set of Big Brass Balls.

The last one was on a golf course in a gated community. Hooray for jackass!
Kelly Brook in a Bikini, Day 2 (WWTDD)
Oh...wait... Kelly Brook is in Smallville, right? Yeah, that's her.
Gordon Ramsay hangs out at Nude Beaches and Gawks at Old Man Ass (Drunken Stepfather)
How to Write Twilight Fanfiction (FunnyCrave)
Angel Cassidy looks Devilish in Chains and Latex (Freakshow Planet)
Featured Model: Kelly Kachinske (Bullz-Eye)
Lenny Kravitz Surprise Performance of 'Fly Away' With Church Choir (URLesque)
Favorite Alcoholic Beverages From Literature (Asylum)
Asa Akira is Wide Open and Willing by the pool (Dailyniner)
Five Absolutely Horrifying Internet Communities (Gunaxin)
Sabrina Maree Has Her Hand in her Pants. Subtle, eh? (z0d)
How To Be "Macho Man" Randy Savage: A Practical Guide (UPROXX)
A Never-Ending Debate: iPhone vs BlackBerry (Campus Socialite)
(Sorry that the only ass you'll ever get is attached to a Peruvian pool boy)
The Price of Darkness himself OZZY OSBOURNE (click to load up yer iPod) went back to Birmingham (UK, that is):

...and performed "Mr Crowley" for 400 lucky fans.
What do Bulgarians love more than Moussaka? MEGADETH, dammit!

Can you tell we have a boner for this Sonisphere footage from Bulgaria? No? OK, we'll post more then.
Those old wig-wearing farts in TWISTED SISTER payed tribute to the late, great Ronnie James Dio at Hellfest:

The band says they're going to tour less. Helps protect the brand...and their brittle hips
From Heavy Metal to Hotness...of the Latina kind
This, Spanish-Colombian Piece-of-Ass Lupe Fuentes:

She's young, tight, and totally filthy but don't take OUR word for it...we've seen the uncut vids.
Slender, asstastic Mackenzie Pierce is oiling up her hiney...and the floor. Quick! Call Kevin Costner!

Or just get a mop. You can see Mackenzie's entire hardcore scene online in Big Wet Asses 16 - On Demand now!...Yup. They made SIXTEEN of them. So many unanswered questions.
How does naturally busty Czech babe Karina Hart stay in those tight outfits?

Easy. She DOESN'T. End of story.
Big-boobed British Babe Kelley Scarlett is another one who can'tseem to stay dressed for long:

She packed those boobs into the tightest plaid skirt known to man... and then proceeded to take it off in all haste. We salute Kelley and all that she does
Back to blondes!!! We have another beautiful busty blond babe shakin' her hiney in a FoundryMusic shirt...
Busty blond beautiful Bobbia makes her FOUNDRY CAMS debut in this clip featuring music by Sweden's CRASHDIET:

CLick Bobbia's Booty, damn you!!
Nice, right? Cam up with Bobbia at FOUNDRY CAMS and try to charm her out of her shorts
Visit some of our other hot properties, won't you?
We're on FourSquare...talking about all the cool shit we do... or wish we did
FOUNDRYNEWS is online, so we can do the blogging thing
Follow us on Twitter, or we'll send wolves to your house to gnaw at your privates
be our friend on Facebook, or we'll send AIDS-infested gerbils through your vents to bite you while you sleep
We've been on MYSPACE since the dawn of time. It was cavemen...and us...and Dane Cook.
We're also on POSTEROUS, so read that shit.
We also have a spot on this thing called NING, and that rhymes. Go us.
FRIEND FEED also has a spot for FoundryMusic... because we're in desperate need of friends.
Yay for Monday... Wait, no. That's not right. Try to mop up after yourself and say good-bye to that pair of MILFs you picked up down the shore this weekend:

Three beauties for the price of one, now THAT's what we call adultery... Three Girls. One Motel Room.
(Just like your hairline. It's called ROGAINE. Go get some.)
Wait, so you're saying that Bruce Willis and Helen Mirren are retired CIA operatives in RED?

Yeah, sure. Whatever works. Run with it.
Holy Crap, the new PREDATORS movie is looking more badass with every trailer:

It's Got Running, Jumping, Screaming, Shooting, Gutting, Disembowling... all the stuff that makes a good movie great.
“He punched Oksana in the face two times, breaking her teeth…” (WWTDD)
Whose Ass In A Bikini is THIS? (Drunken Stepfather)
You'll never guess (we didn't)... but if George Clooney doesn't marry this chick, then we will ... you know, a dream or something.
The Top Ten Mafia Movies - Part 1 (Campus Socialite)
Sara Stone and Her Huge Boobs Will fill up any room (Freakshow Planet)
Movie Review: Knight and Day (Bullz-Eye)
Google Street View's Mysterious 'Horse Boy' Caught Unmasked (URLesque)
Jilted Woman Selling 'Bastard Brownies' to Buy Home (LemonDrop)
Lucia Tovar is Luscious, Lovely, and *drool* (Dailyniner)
So Simple, Yet Brilliant - Standing Toothbrush (AskMen)
Kiki Loses Her Pink Bikini Faster than you can say 'booty hole' (z0d)
16 Intriguing Businesses - Gorilla playing saxophone is one of them. Intrigued now? (UPROXX)
Playboy Sues Drake For "Best I Ever Had" Copyright Infringement (Smoking Section)
(Sorry that the only ass you'll ever get is attached to a Peruvian pool boy)
The living legends that make up SLAYER made a bunch of Bulgarians VERY happy:

and by 'a bunch', we mean about 80,000 or so.
As long as we're in Bulgaria, let's honor the reunited ANTHRAX who welcomed back Joey Belladonna and his awful dye job:

We criticize because we're jealous. Of the fan base. Not the dye job, Joey.
From Thrashing to umm...what bosom word rhymes with 'thrashing'?
Carmen, who you have seen in countless FOUNDRY CAMS videos and on her own site Cam With Carmen is showing off her E-cups in a fishnet bra:

Try not to jump through your monitor. clicking here is so much easier, isn't it?
Perky blond Twistys Treat Bree Daniels grew up an hour outside of Yellowstone:

Watch out for bears! Eeechh. Take yer shirt off already!.
Speaking of blondes, Bailey Kline figure out what her webcam is for:

Business meetings. Yeah, right. Get naked and show us your booty! That's why webcams were invented.
From blondes to brunettes... April O'Neil cleans up and dolls up nice, doesn't she?

of course, April doesn't stay dolled up for long... hello Mister Dildo! (no, we're not talking about our boss)
Back to blondes!!! We have another beautiful busty blond babe shakin' her hiney in a FoundryMusic shirt...
Busty blond beautiful Bobbia makes her FOUNDRY CAMS debut in this clip featuring music by Sweden's CRASHDIET:

CLick Bobbia's Booty, damn you!!
Nice, right? Cam up with Bobbia at FOUNDRY CAMS and try to charm her out of her shorts
Visit some of our other hot properties, won't you?
We're on FourSquare...talking about all the cool shit we do... or wish we did
FOUNDRYNEWS is online, so we can do the blogging thing
Follow us on Twitter, or we'll send wolves to your house to gnaw at your privates
be our friend on Facebook, or we'll send AIDS-infested gerbils through your vents to bite you while you sleep
We've been on MYSPACE since the dawn of time. It was cavemen...and us...and Dane Cook.
We're also on POSTEROUS, so read that shit.
We also have a spot on this thing called NING, and that rhymes. Go us.
FRIEND FEED also has a spot for FoundryMusic... because we're in desperate need of friends.
Holy Jesus H. Cornchips, Do you NEED today to be the end of the week as much as we do?

Get a hotel room with a hot tub, get a few MILFs at the local bar, and have yourself a weekend retreat. 65% of married women cheat. A few of 'em could be yours.
(Just like your work ethic. Calling out again, eh?)
This is Tennessee Congressman Steve Cohen:

He's doing the whitest white man dance EVER. Oof.
It was only a matter of time before another FOCKERS movie was made, and that time is now. Presenting the trailer for Little Fockers:

You got your Robert Deniro. You got your Ben Stiller. You got your Little Fockers.
Adrianne Curry is Naked on Twitter...again (WWTDD)
Internet geeks rejoice, because Adrianne Curry loves being NAKED
Oh Shit! Werewolf! Wait, no... it's just Snooki (Drunken Stepfather)
you know her... she's on JERSEY SHORE ... Werewolf!
7 Drugs That You Can Legally Grow Right In Your Home (The Bachelor Guy)
Sunny Leone and her Hiney will brighten up your rainy day (Freakshow Planet)
Girl Next Door: Lindsay Ann (Bullz-Eye)
Americans React to Game-Winning Goal - World Cup Fever Continues (Video) (URLesque)
Body Secrets - by Joe DeRosa (atom)
Paige Lowry Peels off her clothes in this outstanding Pitctorial (Dailyniner)
13 Pictures of Girls Drinking Beer (Fork Party)
Kagney Linn Karter is Kinda Kinky in her tiny Blue outfit (z0d)
World's Hottest Secretary Will Show You Around 'Mad Men' Set (Asylum)
Cats! In! Space! A Mostly Fictional History of Interstellar Felines (UPROXX)
(Sorry that your time in the cool kids club is dwindling... tick tock, tick tock, tick tock...)
Our pals in CINDERELLA are on tour now (click for tickets) and this is a clip of them at Jones Beach:

How does Tom Keifer consistently manage to sing like he's got his nuts in a vice? We may never know.
Serj Tankian from SYSTEM OF A DOWN (click for iTunes link) has a new song, and *gasp*... it's politically-charged:

ooh. Pretty colors.
From political warbling to pulling down come the ladies!
Busty adult starlet Kerry Louise is having a hard time staying in her Bikini:

She's also having a hard time keeping her makeup on...cuz she's getting knocked around, but that's not something we're about to judge her for.
Sexy, petite New York hottie Ivy Black is writing around on what could be the luckiest couch EVER:

leg Warmers? Do people still wear those? Apparently so.
aaaand we have another beautiful busty blond babe shakin' her hiney in a FoundryMusic shirt...
Busty blond beautiful Bobbia makes her FOUNDRY CAMS debut in this clip featuring music by Sweden's CRASHDIET:

CLick Bobbia's Booty, damn you!!
Nice, right? Cam up with Bobbia at FOUNDRY CAMS and try to charm her out of her shorts
Visit some of our other hot properties, won't you?
We're on FourSquare...talking about all the cool shit we do... or wish we did
FOUNDRYNEWS is online, so we can do the blogging thing
Follow us on Twitter, or we'll send wolves to your house to gnaw at your privates
be our friend on Facebook, or we'll send AIDS-infested gerbils through your vents to bite you while you sleep
We've been on MYSPACE since the dawn of time. It was cavemen...and us...and Dane Cook.
We're also on POSTEROUS, so read that shit.
We also have a spot on this thing called NING, and that rhymes. Go us.
FRIEND FEED also has a spot for FoundryMusic... because we're in desperate need of friends.
(Just like your work ethic. Calling out again, eh?)
Oh boy. It's raining Oil in Louisiana:

Cancel Christmas... they're going to be cleaning that up for a while.
You know you have some outstanding World Cup coverage when your co-host's boob keep's falling out of her dress:

The name? Markita Fruscio. The Channel? Italy's 7 Gold. The Boobs? Enormous.
Elin Nordegren is about to make $750 Million (WWTDD)
Salma Hayek's Big Fat Mom Boobs (Drunken Stepfather)
By the way... did you know she got naked THIS much on screen? We sure as hell didn't
How to get over your fear of approaching women (The Bachelor Guy)
Zeina Heart will capture, heart. Or at least your groin area (Freakshow Planet)
A chat with Billy West - voice actor from Futurama (Bullz-Eye)
You Need a BBW Music Video (NSFW) (URLesque)
Long Man of Wilmington Receives a 20-Foot Penis Overnight (Asylum)
Jammie Lynn is Leaning against the Wall...totally bare-assed (Dailyniner)
Cashing in with Cosby, Nike does it again! (The Campus Socialite)
Audrey Bitoni just lost her Bikini (insert applause here) (z0d)
When Passengers Go Nuts -- 5 Airplane Rides Gone Bad (The Bachelor Guy)
20 People With Extremely Unfortunate Names (Manofest)
(Sorry that your time in the cool kids club is dwindling... tick tock, tick tock, tick tock...)
Them guys in AEROSMITH performed in Athens, Greece:

Steven Tyler and Joe Perry managed NOT to kill one another. Apparently, they CAN all just get along... well, for a few hours a night, that is./li>
The SCORPIONS are on tour for the last time EVER (get thoe tickets before you can't see them ever again), and they were on stage at Jones Beach the other night:

Balding like a Hurricane... get it? Old? Balding? Nothing? Boooooo.
from guitars to gazongas, away we go with the sweater meat...
Mary Carey must have an itchy chest:

because she can't stop rubbing her boobs. or breaking out her glass dildo, but we're not sure what that has to do with being itchy.
Petite, curvy adult starlet Claire Dames is givng a lucky lady a lap dance:

...*ahem*... did we stutter? CLICK the pic, fool.
aaaand we have another beautiful busty blond babe shakin' her hiney in a FoundryMusic shirt...
Busty blond beautiful Bobbia makes her FOUNDRY CAMS debut in this clip featuring music by Sweden's CRASHDIET:

CLick Bobbia's Booty, damn you!!
Nice, right? Cam up with Bobbia at FOUNDRY CAMS and try to charm her out of her shorts
Visit some of our other hot properties, won't you?
We're on FourSquare...talking about all the cool shit we do... or wish we did
FOUNDRYNEWS is online, so we can do the blogging thing
Follow us on Twitter, or we'll send wolves to your house to gnaw at your privates
be our friend on Facebook, or we'll send AIDS-infested gerbils through your vents to bite you while you sleep
We've been on MYSPACE since the dawn of time. It was cavemen...and us...and Dane Cook.
We're also on POSTEROUS, so read that shit.
We also have a spot on this thing called NING, and that rhymes. Go us.
FRIEND FEED also has a spot for FoundryMusic... because we're in desperate need of friends.